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LGBTQ+ themed Research & Publications

Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) Study: “The Outlawed Amongst Us” Publication

In 2011, the Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) carried out a four-month countrywide research on the LGBTIQ+ community’s fight for equality and against discrimination in Kenya.Easter Waweru and Eric Mawira Gitari were in charge of the study. The study uncovered significant obstacles to LGBTQ+ programming as well as difficulties faced by sexual and gender minorities in Kenya, including: state official harassment; stigma; exclusion from family and society; physical violence; threats of death; expulsion from educational institutions; blackmail and extortion; inadequate access to healthcare and a lack of comprehensive services; and misuse of medical research.

State officials who impose heteronormativity against presumptively gay expressions seek sexual favors or bribes, and they accuse anyone who refuse to comply with their requests of false crimes. This is a willful disregard by the state for its obligations under laws and policies to safeguard LGBTIQ+ people.

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